
I believe the healing love from other dimensions is accessible to us all.

While I have used various energy models (primarily Reiki) to help others experience love and healing from these realms, today I promote healing primarily through teaching, writing, speaking, and sharing what I’ve learned to help you and those you love become able to access that healing love yourself and harness it for good. My book, We Met on the Other Side, includes prayers that you might find useful in your situation.

These days, I am working full-time and not doing energy work. What I do, though, is pray for everyone who contacts me, and if you’ve contacted me on your behalf or someone else’s, I will be praying for your healing or theirs in the highest and best way and that you are guided to those who can help you the most on your healing journey.

There are many wonderful healers worldwide. Here are some resources for you to explore to find someone in your area:

Reiki: https://www.reiki.org/reiki-practitioners-and-teachers-list
Healing Touch: https://www.htpractitioner.com/find-a-practitioner
EMDR: https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/

I am considering teaching energy healing classes in the future and will provide updates here. I am also considering a virtual group healing session. Stay tuned!

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